Meeting invites being blocked by our email filter – WORKAROUND

Creation date: 8/25/2023 12:18 PM    Updated: 1/22/2024 11:53 AM    email

Meeting invites that clients are sending you seem to be blocked for unknown reasons.

The reason this is happening is due to the fact that the meeting invites are being forwarded to you, and are not coming from the original meeting organizer. These meeting invite emails behave a bit differently than a regular forwarded email. As an example:

Company A sends a meeting invite to Company B. Company B now forwards that invite to an A10 employee. Company A’s email system informs our email system to reject any emails that we receive that appear to be from them but are coming from another domain (Company A’s invite coming from Company B’s domain). So, the meeting invite gets blocked because it appears to be a Company A email coming from another server (Company B).

The workaround is to have yourself added to the original (Company A) meeting invite. Otherwise you will need to continue to submit tickets to have the forwarded invites released.